The Barsanti and Matteucci Foundation ETS


has the primary aim of disseminating the story of the two scientists from Lucca, Eugenio Barsanti and Felice Matteucci, and their invention: the first working internal combustion engine in history

promotes initiatives aimed at inspiring young people with the world of mechanics and spreading knowledge on issues related to the sustainability of transport

operates through the management of the internal combustion engine museum located in Lucca, via Sant’Andrea 56

Homepage en

The Barsanti & Matteucci

combustion engine Museum


from 15 october to 31 march
tuesday and thursday: from 9,00 to 13,00
saturday, sunday, holidays: from 11,00 to 16,00

from 1 april to 15 may
tuesday and thursday: from 9,00 to 13,00
saturday, sunday, holidays: from 11,00 to 19,00

Easter holidays, from 18 to 25 april: from 9,00 to 19,00

1st May: CLOSED


Entry is free during normal opening hours. For visits by reservation, a contribution is required.


From April 1st, new openings of the Museum