The Museum

The Barsanti and Matteucci internal combustion engine Museum is located in the Antica Loggetta dei Guinigi in Lucca, Via Sant’Andrea 58, near the entrance to the Guinigi Tower and can be visited while waiting for the ascent to the tower.

The Museum illustrates the studies carried out and the progress made by Barsanti and Matteucci between December 1851, the date of their first meeting, and March 25, 1864, the day the Bauer engine was started in the headquarters of the John Cockeril Company in Seraing, near Liège in Belgium.

In the room on the first floor, you can watch the projection of films illustrating the life and works of the two scientists; the models of the apparatus used for the first experiments, and reproductions of the main documents, attesting to their activities connected with the internal combustion engine, are exhibited.

In the rooms on the ground floor, large scale models are exhibited that reproduce in motion the motors designed by the two inventors.

The publications edited by the Foundation are available at the Museum and there is a library for consulting publications relating to the subject.

The Museum is accessible to everybody: the ground floor is fully accessible to people with disabilities; the paper and audiovisual contents on the first floor are visible, on demand, in a specially equipped station on the ground floor.

Scientific director of the Museum: prof. ing. Paolo Di Marco



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Via Sant’Andrea, 58, 55100 Lucca LU

How to get here

  • 11 minutes on foot from Lucca Railway Station
  • 14 minutes on foot dal Terminal Bus di Piazzale Verdi
  • Paid Parking nearby: Piazza S. Ponziano Parking, Mazzini Parking, Viale Giuseppe Giusti Parking, Cittadella Parking.


+39 0583 467870


From April to early November, open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 11,00 to 19,00

For the remaining periods, for at least 10 persons groups, visit by appointment

Special openings 2024:

15 – 16 – 17 – 18 august, from 11,00 to 19,00

31 august, from 11,00 to 19,30 and from 20,30 to 23,00


Free admission in the normal opening hours. For visits by appointment, a contribution is requested.

In any case, you can collaborate to keep the Museum open:

  • with a free contribution
  • with a review on social media using #museomotoreascoppio


Gioca a MemoMusei